Achieving weight loss is not an easy task, but with the right information, a strategy, and the determination and perseverance to strive to achieve the change you desire, while not giving up, then not only will you achieve successful weight loss but mentally you will likely feel the happiest you have felt in a long time!

When deciding to lose weight, the main goal is to lower your overall body weight, specifically fat mass % and to become more physically active to minimise the risk of suffering from any obesity-related illnesses or diseases. One of the most popular weight loss plans which we would recommend is the NHS weight loss plan which has been downloaded by over 4 million users worldwide! This plan, introduced by the NHS themselves, is specifically designed to ensure that weight is lost in a safe & sustainable manner, achieving a loss of around 1lb.-2lb. on a weekly basis through daily calorie allowances. The NHS will help you in recording your progress and activity weekly, introduce you to specific exercise plans to help you shed weight quicker, understand and learn skills which will help you keep the weight of for good, help you in understanding what the right food choices to make are, and finally makes sure that weight loss is focused on your own personal weight loss journey and goals. It simply has everything you would need from a weight loss plan and sets recommendations in place from one of the most trustworthy health sources around being the NHS.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that individuals participate in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking, water aerobics, tennis, gardening, dancing etc) on a weekly basis in order to prevent the occurrence of regaining weight following weight loss. However, if one wishes to lose weight, they recommend that individuals may need to do up to 250 minutes per week of exercise instead. As shown by ACSM, we emphasise that exercise alone is a far less effective method for achieving weight loss than exercise combined with diet. With that being said, make sure you exercise frequently during the week and make sure your diet is up to a healthy and nutritious fulfilling standard!
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) present guidelines as to what your BMI may fall into, allowing you to identify your current weight status, the scales are as follows:
A BMI of less than 18.5 = Underweight
A BMI of 18.5 - 24.9 = Normal/Healthy weight
A BMI of 25.0 - 29.9 = Overweight
A BMI of 30.0 or higher = Obese
There are various different weight guidelines and recommendations available out there on the world wide web, but some sources can be untrue and deceiving, with that being said you can rest assured that the knowledge we have shared is as accurate and as truthful as possible.

Don’t forget to add a glass of JIN JIN into your diets on a daily basis, to reap the benefits and promote weight loss even further!
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